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RFID-data in virtuemart?

Started by mrmysterious, May 07, 2018, 18:15:10 PM

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Hello members,

can someone tell me if there is any component to enable reading some data collected vom RFID chips into virtuemart?

I imagine the following: Someone will read RFID data with a scanner in the physical store and they are transferred into virtuemart.

Thanks a lot.


Joomla!-Version 3.8.5
VirtueMart 3.2.12
Template As002053free (customized)
OS Linux h
PHP 5.6.30
MySQL 5.6.19-67.0-log

Studio 42

It depend the data send.
Barcode scanners send the information back, so you can collect the informations in a form.
Does some tool exist (chome extention for eg.) to convert datas to input ?