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VM3 custom field string -> cart attribute not working anymore

Started by mickey3k, May 05, 2017, 12:20:59 PM

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Hi all,

I have products with a custom field "Size", which is of type string. I have "cart attribute" and "cart input" enabled.
In the string, I have options like "M;L;XXL" etc. so the customer gets a drop down list with the sizes to choose from.

This worked perfectly until a few weeks ago. I did not change anything, but custom fields of type string are suddenly neither shown in cart nor incoive or order summary in the backend, even though "cart attribute" is still enabled.
The custom field is still shown as a drop down list on the product details page, so the customer can still choose a size.
If I create a new custom field of type string, it is the same - they wont be shown in the cart or orders.

Is this a bug? Must have happend after the last VM update.

Current set up:
Joomla 3.6.5 (but the same problem with 3.7)
VM 3.2.0
PHP 5.6.15

Thanks for answers,
