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2 taxes per product

Started by sohopros, March 16, 2017, 17:09:52 PM

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Some of our Users should pay 2 taxes. For example Tax1 = 21% and Tax2 = 5.2%.

1. We have created 2 shopper groups:
1.1 One shopper group "Default" pay taxes = tax1= 21%
1.2. other Shopper group "Additional-tax" Pay taxes  = tax2 = 5.2%

2. We created 2 Tax rules.
2.1. Tax rule Tax1 = 21%. Added shopper group "Default"
2.2. tax rule Tax2 = 5.2 %. Added shopper group "Additional-tax"

3. Creates User test1 = added to this user shopper groups "Default" and "Additional-tax".

4. TEST:
Added product to the cart and see following
4.1 Product Price before tax = 20.60 Euro
4.2. Tax price =  5.62 Euro
4.3. Discount = 0.22 Euro
4.4 Total = 26.22 Euro.

test1 user should pay taxes  = 26.2 (21+5.2) = 20.60 Euro  = 5.4 Euro of taxes.
If we will calculate Total price is correct. ( 20.60 Product price + Tax Price - Discount = Total)

But why it is showing in discount, not in correct Taxes? How we can change it?

Please advise,


Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Sorry Virtuemart 3.0.18. Joomla 3.6.5. PHP 5.6.30



1. In which cases do customers have to pay the 5.2 percent tax? Does it depend on their location?
2. Which types of tax do you use for each of the two tax rules in the 'Tax and Calculation Rules' setting?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


1. In which cases do customers have to pay the 5.2 percent tax? Does it depend on their location?
Depends on what Shipper group they are.
2. Which types of tax do you use for each of the two tax rules in the 'Tax and Calculation Rules' setting?
Vat Tax per product.



Tried to reproduce your tax configuration, but can't get it to work at present. Probably you will have to combine the two taxes into a single tax and then assign only the first or the second (combined) tax to a shopper group.

However, which tax is 5.2 percent only for certain people in Portugal? Sounds very unusual for an EU country.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



Our customer still needs to implementation when User pay 2 taxes. And combining 2 taxes into one is not correct for the customer. Is there any other way? Maybe you implemented new features?

Please advise,

Studio 42

I think that you have to use 2 tax type to solve the problem.
But if you set 2 shopper groups, the first tax is applied and not the second one.
If you add tax to 2 shoppergroups, then this get applied for  the tow shopper groups.
Try to use type = VatTax for the main tax and TaxBill for the second tax should work, but only in the bill.


Quote from: sohopros on July 09, 2018, 16:59:28 PM
Is there any other way? Maybe you implemented new features?

Maybe somebody here knows a solution if you let us know which country the shop (your customer) is located in and what the names/types of the two taxes are.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



Quote from: Studio 42 on July 09, 2018, 18:57:10 PM
I think that you have to use 2 tax type to solve the problem.
But if you set 2 shopper groups, the first tax is applied and not the second one.
If you add tax to 2 shoppergroups, then this get applied for  the tow shopper groups.
Try to use type = VatTax for the main tax and TaxBill for the second tax should work, but only in the bill.

1. Created New Shopper group. This new Shopper group only pay 5.2%  taxes
2. Created New BillTax and assigned this New BillTax to New created shopper group.
3. Added to the user New Shopper group.

User pay 21% VAt Tax and 5.2% Bill Tax

Results in Card:
Product price + 21% Vat Tax =  ProductPrice1
ProductPrice1 + 5.2% Bill Tax = FinalProductPrice.

Expected Value:
Product Price + 21%VatTax = ProductPrice1
Product Price + 5.2%Bill TAx = FinalProduct Price

Attached Screenhsots for explanation

How can I calculate BillTax from Original Product Price, not from The product price + 21%VatTax?

Please advise,

Studio 42

YOu can get the difference from the taxed price.
If you have always tax 21% in product then
5.2%Bill TAx = 5.2/1.21 = 4.29752066115703 %
4.29752066115703 is the tax percent value to apply, but i think that 4.29752 should be right


@Studio 42
Apparently Sandra is trying to implement a special spanish VAT (IVA) system known as 'recargo de equivalencia — RDE' (Use Google for translation of the link)
I didn't know that something like this still exists in an EU country.
I think in this case ideally the VM cart and invoice should display the net amount plus the IVA and RDE values and the total for customers in the 'RDE Customer' shopper group.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Studio 42

jjk, i think that wit the percent 4.29752 aplyed to the 21%+ base price, the total is right and the tax display 5.2% of the product.


Hi Again,

Quote from: Studio 42 on July 10, 2018, 19:33:02 PM
jjk, i think that wit the percent 4.29752 aplyed to the 21%+ base price, the total is right and the tax display 5.2% of the product.

Quote from: Studio 42 on July 10, 2018, 15:29:03 PM
YOu can get the difference from the taxed price.
If you have always tax 21% in product then
5.2%Bill TAx = 5.2/1.21 = 4.29752066115703 %
4.29752066115703 is the tax percent value to apply, but i think that 4.29752 should be right

The customer told that we also need to apply the same taxes 21% and 5.2% for Shipping. I created a separate forum here:

Maybe you know how to apply the same rule to shipping?

Thanks for your help,



Any advice on how you apply two taxes for the shipping?
