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Conditional Category View

Started by loralon, February 20, 2017, 14:15:04 PM

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Hello everyone,
I make you a question that seems trivial, but which have not been answered.
I would like to create a view for products using conditional selection. I mean:
Category A -100 products
Category B - 100 products
Category C - 40 products (20 of category A + 20 of category B)
Now I would like to create a view that displays only the products in Category A that are also part of the category C. Is it possible that there isn't a way to do it? I can't find an extensions to do it.
Thank you


simply create category C in VirtueMart categories and assign 20 products from category A and Category B. You can add one or more categories for one product.
At the end simply add a link to category C in you joomla menus

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Thank you for the reply
but in this case the view will have all products of the category C. I would like to display only the ones in C that are also in A. A practical example:

A - shoes
B - clothes
C - products on sale

I would like to display a view with only the shoes on sale.


I suggest using filters for that and not the categories.
Using categories for every kind of attribute is not the best neither for the admin nor for the users

If you are looking for a filtering solution, check that: