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Module Margins Virtuemart

Started by Robho, September 20, 2016, 17:37:06 PM

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i guys,

Im using joomla 3.6.2 and VM 3.0.16. I buil a new website called I was wondering if someone here can help me with my problem. I`m a beginner in joomla. My problem is that if you are navigated to the home page, everything looks fine with margins from modules. If you click on informatie and contact you can see that there is a orange background margin wich pop ups above the innertop module where the text is written, and above that banner module, where the icons are. Those 2 pages are no virtuemart pages, just normal joomla pages. So there are 2 options, either i change the virtuemart css settings so that virtuemart will display the orange margin bars or i change the joomla template css so that there are no orange bars at all. Wich files do i need to change?

Thanks for the advise on how to fix this!

Sincerely Rob


Override vm-ltr-site.css to include:
.margin-top {
  margin-top: 0 !important;

Not tested except in Firebug and I have nnot checked if it will cause problems elsewhere.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

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