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How to change the format of Number of order?

Started by molasar, January 19, 2016, 02:16:50 AM

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Joomla_3.4.5 + Virtuemart.3.0.12

Now I have the Number of order like L8R60118. But I want to make it like 00118.
I have edited file /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/orders.php :
        static public function generateOrderNumber($uid = 0,$length=4, $virtuemart_vendor_id=1) {

      $db = JFactory::getDBO();

      $q = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #__virtuemart_orders WHERE `virtuemart_vendor_id`="'.$virtuemart_vendor_id.'"';

      //We can use that here, because the order_number is free to set, the invoice_number must often follow special rules
      $count = $db->loadResult();
      $count = $count + (int)VM_ORDER_OFFSET;

      //   require(VMPATH_ADMIN.DS.'helpers'.DS.'vmcrypt.php');
      //$data = vmCrypt::getHumanToken($length).'0'.$count;
      $data = '00'.$count;

      return $data;

But no effect.

What is wrong?

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They have stopped the development of that plugin.

Maybe someone have a good alternative?
Also see topic