Full Customer Details with Joomla Login Registration form (more fields)

Started by fastpat27, June 15, 2015, 16:36:34 PM

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Hi All

Hope this helps someone and although it may be obvious to the more experienced developers, it took me hours to figure out or find how to do this. I found details about this in a search on another site, it applied to Joomla 3.4 and VM 3.0.8 but not sure if it covers earlier versions.

In Joomla Administrator, go to Plugin Manager and open a plugin "User - Profile". This has extra fields to collect more details and can be set to required, otional or disabled. The fields provided are:

Address 1
Address 2
Postal / ZIP Code
Web site
Favourite Book
About Me
Terms of Service
Select TOS Article
Date of Birth

Select which fields you need as required or optional, or disable the ones you don't need

Hope this helps someone else and save you a little time  :)



Sorry folks, this does indeed gather more information about your customers but unfortunately it doesn't transfer to Virtuemart automatically, the customer will still have to add a billing address if wanting to order something.

There may be another way to link these but back to the drawing board for me. I remember using a third party extension in VM2 to link the 2 but thought this was now incorporated into VM3 as standard.

If anyone should know how to link please leave a post below, be greatly appreciated, it may just be my configuration.


OK a little more reading and several hours later says Joomla and Virtuemart can't link user fields, i.e. address, postcode etc. Link below is to a great guy who can create a divert from the joomla login to the virtuemart account details basically forcing them to the VM registration instead of Joomla Registration.


Hope this helps someone else and saves them some time :)

Edit: 06 Jul '15
This plugin is still working although it constantly shows it needs updated in the Joomla Extension Manager but it won't update. I contacted the developer 10 days ago but got no response as yet.