Can't figure out how to lose "With shipment Downloadable Product " statement

Started by lmiksch, November 25, 2014, 02:43:41 AM

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Virtuemart 3
Joomla 3.6

I am streaming "With shipment Downloadable Product for $0.00" above the sales price. I cannot figure out what is causing the statement to stream. Any idea where it is coming from and how I can turn the statement off?

My online store sells 2 versions of most products. One is a shippable CD and the other is an Instant Download.This translates into a non-orderable parent product with 2 children.

I have configured  2 custom fields. The first is for a plugin that associates the downloadable files with the downloadable child. The second attaches to the parent and causes a Format to be selected.

I have attached an image that shows the streamed statement.



[attachment cleanup by admin]


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