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Problem with products that have more than one category

Started by travelbaba, September 11, 2013, 13:28:45 PM

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I have another issue:


parent product with many children ( let's calle it FATHER), FATHER doesn't exist as phisical product, is just the father for all childrens, the real products are only the children.
this product has 2 categories ( let's say CAT1, CAT2).

OK, when I go to CAT1 I see the product FATHER but I can order, as right only the children.

but If I go to CAT2 I see ONLY the FATHER product, with no children, and the customer order FATHER, that actually is not a real product

joomla 2.5 , VM 2.0.20 ( also 2.0.22)

THanks for help!

Maxim Pishnyak

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