Automating the back-in-stock notification emails being sent out to customers

Started by ChrisTDR, August 16, 2013, 12:23:59 PM

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I am sure I cannot find this specific question raised in another topic.

I have set out-of-stock products to have the 'Notify Me' waiting list functionality - and when I tried it out, my customer account received the email - so this system works.

The problem is that you are required to update the stock level, then click 'Send Email' within the product record in the back-end to activate the notification email being sent to the customers on the waiting list for that product.

Our VM stock levels will be updated automatically in the database by a script, so manually clicking 'Send Email' for each product will not be a suitable solution.

Is there a way of automating the firing off of all the waiting list emails? either by a plugin, or by pinging a URL - we could then add this as a CRON or script activity when our stock updater runs on the database.

Many thanks in advance.




I'm also interested in. There is probably a function() created for, that we have to find.
Or we also can recreate our own function...
I know that I must find a solution for that for next months, i should have a look on the notification system,
but if someone already know how to do that, will be really appreciate :)
Web programmer. Passionate.
PHP, SQL, Javascript, JQuery, css.
Skype : florent.indienboutique


$waitinglistModel = VmModel::getModel ('waitinglist');


What stupid think... why do we need manually go trough each product (AND CHILD...) and send the email? :O

I as well use a custom php software to update the stock since the VM built-in stock inventory is so limited... :(


Has anyone made any progress on automating the Back in Stock notification?