HOW TO: Facebook comments instead of review in product description w/o paying £

Started by hAve, February 28, 2013, 15:27:40 PM

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Hi, Found that a lot of people is trying to put "Facebook Comment" addon instead of Review in products. See example, just press on any product

I found the way to do it without purchasing module and paying money.

Here is how I did it:

I've downloaded "Modules Anywhere" extension from here:
I've downloaded Nurte Facebook Comments from here

After successfully installing both modules just put {module Nurte Facebook Comments} in the middle of end of every single item description.

To make sure that on user facebook wall they will say at least correct link to your homepage you need to edit Nurte Facebook Comments extension files. I don't have enough php knowledge to make sure it writes current page, but homepage is enough for me.

Go to: public_html/modules/mod_nurte_facebook_comments/ and find mod_nurte_facebook_comments.php


.'<fb:comments href="'.'http://PUT YOUR SITE'.'" '

Also make sure you disable review system in Admin Area > Components > VirtueMart > Configuration > Shopfront > Shopper Review/ Rating System.