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Started by jux, December 12, 2012, 16:23:52 PM

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ok but your answers does not help me

I have an issue with my french virtuemart translation

I have created a new payment (pay by check) with status = Z

when myself and customer are receiving email on, the title it is written =

So I went into my french language : fr-FR.com_virtuemart.ini in order to add those 2 lines below those ones:
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_C="[%3$s], Commande confirmée au %1$s, d'un total de %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_P="[%3$s], Commande en attente %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_R="[%3$s], Commande remboursée %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_S="[%3$s], Commane expédiée de %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_U="[%3$s], Commande confirmée %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_X="[%3$s], Commande annulée %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_C="[%3$s], commande confirmée par %1$s,%2$s au total"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_P="[%3$s], Commande enregistrée pour %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_R="[%3$s], Commande remboursée pour %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_S="[%3$s], Commande expédiée pour %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_U="[%3$s], Commande confirmée par %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_X="[%3$s], Commande annulée pour %1$s, total %2$s"

COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_Z="[%3$s], Commane expédiée de %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_Z="[%3$s], Commande annulée pour %1$s, total %2$s"

But when I add those 2 lines the translation goes into english instead to be display in French only, i do not understand why ?

could you please help me?


Did you place your language key/string in both, the frontend and the backend french override files? As Alatak mentioned earlier in this forum thread, the ones for the emails are taken from the backend (administrator) language files. So the override should be in ...\administrator\language\overrides. If you use French and English, you should create overrides for both languages.

The already existing status lines are in both:
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hello so i have tried to insert those 2 lines:
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_SHOPPER_Z="[%3$s], Commane expédiée de %1$s, total %2$s"
COM_VIRTUEMART_MAIL_SUBJ_VENDOR_Z="[%3$s], Commande annulée pour %1$s, total %2$s"


but issue is :
Virtuemart frontent goes in english (instead to be in french)
Virtuemart backen is all in english (instead to be in french)

Email confirmation of the order is not send anymore???

please let me know how to correct that please


and i have tried to put the fr-FR.com_virtuemart.ini into:  ...\administrator\language\overrides.

but it still not working and the strangest part is:

* My customer and myself are not receiving the confirmation email?

when i cancel the order i receive the information by mail that the order have been cancelled?

please give me your help

thank you