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Problem with Virtualmart Category Layout

Started by easternodyssey, September 02, 2012, 12:04:48 PM

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Ok really not to sure where to put this or whether its the right area, but losing my hair over the problem. I am using virtualmart 2.0.10 and Shape 5 Shandaha Template which has virtualmart templating.

I seem to be getting strange problems with the virtualmart category layout. I am trying to use it as an affiliate shop after problem with book and media library and seems to work fine other than the main category layout options.

The Problems: For some reason the pagination, search result and products per row are set to 8 and their are currently 10 products listed. However, only 6 products show on the first page and 2 on the second page, where the 2 other products seem to be listed but dont show. Secondly the content area wrap only shows the first 4 products with the other 4 products showing outside the content area wrap. I also dont seem to be able to add any module positions into the content area of the category page. Even though they do show on the shop front and the product pages but not the category page.

Currently i have gone through every possible virtualmart setting, uninstalled and reinstalled and uninstalled and reinstalled the content and tables along with checking for template issues with firebug, however, cannot think what the cause of the problem could be. I did think it maybe a Javascript issue or a conflict with a plugin, however, i would assume that would also affect the shop frontpage as well. Any ideas what the issue could be.   

The site link is on the book menu if you want to take a look.


just the pagenation issue -  check that the joomla and the virtuemart SEo settings are the same. Both in different areas of the system - joomla configuration and VM configuration.

Then test

then see if your category settings for products are not set small make the 0 to start and then if that fails make them 50. and test

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