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How to Ignore Terms of Service

Started by Willc, June 13, 2012, 23:15:03 PM

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Hello. Running VM 2.0.6 on Joomla 2.5.4. And I wanna know how can I set shop to Ignore TOS.

Dont show the checkbox in cart view, and dont need this checked to buy.

I currently have unckecked 'Must agree to Terms of Service on EVERY ORDER?' and unchecked 'Show Terms of Service on the cart/checkout?'

Even the link for TOS dont appear in cart view, the checkbox still, and MUST be checked to finish the order.



I'm having exactly the same issue. If you actually check the template you can see a lot of code commented out, I think this code is not ready yet and even though you disable this part on the config section, the checkbox is still displayed.
So here's what I did:

  • Go to your VM admin section, Configuration, checkout
  • Untick: Must agree to Terms of Service on EVERY ORDER?    and  Show Terms of Service on the cart/checkout?
  • Create a template for VM cart. If you don't know how just copy this file: \components\com_virtuemart\views\cart\tmpl\default.php and save it as \templates\YOURTEMPLATESFOLDER\html\com_virtuemart\cart\default.php
  • Edit the file you've just created and add this jquery line after line 33, or just before the closing jQuery ready function

This should hide the checkbox and change the hidden value to 1 so when you submit it'll go to the next step.


This solution is not the best, but it works while this bug is fixed.

Good luck